

Insights. Strategy. 

Advancing Legislative & Regulatory Initiatives

Whether you require a primer in the legislative process or have specifically focused public policy objectives, Guide Consulting Services offers options and strategies tailored to complement your organization’s specific needs. 

Government Relations

Our team of experienced lobbyists readily navigates the complexities of government policies with strategic consulting to align client goals within regulatory frameworks. We know how to represent your interests and influence key decisions at the federal level, and we craft effective lobbying strategies to emphasize your priorities. Whether you are seeking legislative reform, regulatory relief, or other policy avenues, we develop a comprehensive government affairs approach tailored to your objectives.

Legislative & Regulatory Analysis

We keep our clients ahead of potential industry changes with expert analysis and live monitoring of new policies and regulations. Our team conducts research, drafts and introduces legislation, and tracks Congressional and Administration developments for our clients to receive simple, direct guidance on where they can create positive outcomes. We provide detailed analyses of upcoming bills, regulations, and public hearings, helping your cause anticipate legislative shifts and prepare actionable strategies in advance.

Public Affairs

From one-day events to well-crafted public affairs campaigns, we help clients engage with lawmakers, regulators, and key stakeholders to advocate for their specific interests. We use a range of advocacy tools such as grassroots mobilization, D.C. media outreach, and direct lobbying training to create a real impact for your cause. Whether you need to schedule meetings with Congressional staff, execute a Hill Day or briefing, develop an industry coalition, or write an op-ed article - we do it all!